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>Time to say hello again. 56.13
By JonnyQuattro on 28/05/2015 6:28 AM (EST)
Not many updates this week. There isn't a current
changelog for the new 56.13 of synergy.
There have been some new added features which are still a Work in progress.
For instance the shell casings update not many have noticed yet but if you shoot the smg1 or shotgun you will see that actual physics shell casings come out and hit the floor just as a normal shell casing should. They can be stepped on and moved around (client side)
Also donators have a new addition to their playermodel selection

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>Keeping it simple and updated
By JonnyQuattro on 22/05/2015 10:17 AM (EST)
Just a heads up. We'll try our best to keep you guys updated as much as possible.
Our coder has thrown a few updates in the past week that fixes a few issues (no changelog for that),
As you know we barely post news and updates on what's going on. We'll try to keep our changes in order.
Rebel rush event is not yet scheduled. I will keep you posted.
Every week I or another team member will be posting some updates/changelogs.
Just to keep you guys in the "know".
Thank you so much for being a part of Synergy till this very day.
We hope to release some crazy new things very soon.
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>Synergy Version 56 Released
By Krazy Kasrkin on 9/04/2015 5:34 PM (EST)
Heya folks, here is another update for ya with various internal improvements.
If you find any issues with this update, please post the details in the forums and I'll be sure to check it out.
Please note that if you have a Workshop Add-on (not "Item Replacements") currently active in the Synergy Workshop you need to re-update it. This update removed the VPK requirement for Add-ons to solve various engine issues. All you need to do is select your Add-on in the Workshop Publisher Menu and do an "Update Item" and re-upload your content. Workshop standards are now out of beta so these requirements will no longer change.
Also a Rebel Rush event will be coming up soon so stay tuned!
- Synergy will now automatically mount and manage all content.
- Users no longer need to manage their game mounts.
- Content will be automatically mounted and unmounted as needed.
- Removed the need for mount.cache, SteamContent.manifest, basemaps.txt, LevelContent.manifest files and the GameList menu.
- Further decreased average load times.
- Include files (.inc) are no longer required and will not exit Synergy with an error, but are still needed to tell Synergy which content a map needs to mount. Maps without a corresponding include file will default to Half-Life 2 content only.
- Maps that are a part of a specific game (i.e. a content file: content/*.dat) no longer require Include files.
- Added support for the following languages (Interface, Voiceovers, and Closed Captions) - Synergy will now choose the correct language pack based on Steam or in-game settings (Special thanks to user Allower for pointing this out with his Workshop fix):
- French
- German
- Italian
- Korean
- Spanish
- Russian
- Simplified Chinese
- Traditional Chinese
- Danish (UI Only)
- Dutch (UI Only)
- Portuguese (UI Only)
- Removed unnecessary Half-Life 2: Episode One requirement for Episode Two.
- Fixed all known cases of the "Closing pack file with -1 open files!" error.
- Added content files for the following games:
- Age of Chivalry
- Counter-Strike: Source
- Day of Defeat: Source
- Dystopia
- Eternal Silence
- Half-Life 2: Update
- Portal
- Team Fortress 2
- Zombie Panic: Source
- Workshop:
- Add-on (non-'Item Replacement') items will no longer be stored in VPKs. (Fixes various issues with BSPs being stored in VPKs)
- NOTICE: Existing Add-ons require a re-update in order to mount properly! (i.e. not packed in VPKs)
- Add-on items will mount all VPKs in it's root directory.
- Added a "Workshop Settings" Menu to Prioritize Subscriptions.
- Added more helpful Messages during Workshop Item publishing.
- Add-on's will now show in the Create a Server menu.
- Fixed (and updated) donors not working due to a recent change in the SteamID format.
- Added support for loading a random background map on launch from the pool of what content you have available in the Advanced Multiplayer Options menu.
- Fixed a few cases of missing textures on a listen server.
- Fixed Synergy's custom weapon sounds not playing. (Again)
- Properly removed cheat flag from stopsound command.
- Enabled sv_airaccelerate and sv_rollangle (camera sway) convars.
- Added conver glow_max to limit the maximum number of object outlines to render at once.
- Fixed a client crash on Linux.
- Replaced Convar toggle_show_players with hud_player_info_enable to toggle the Avatar over player's heads.
- Added support for mounting content inside the "custom" folder (synergy/custom) to enable, set contentloader_custom_folder_enable to 1. This will also mount all VPKs found in the root of the folder.
Various minor bugfixes.
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>Synergy Workshop Released
By Krazy Kasrkin on 17/12/2014 7:56 PM (EST)
Hey folks! Been quite some time! I hope over the next few months to have some time to give Synergy the attention it needs! This round we're releasing Steam Workshop for Synergy. We know you like to mod Synergy up so we figured having a centralized and game-supported implementation is the way to go to keep it easy as possible.
How does Synergy Workshop work?
Simply head over to the
Synergy Workshop page and search for items to subscribe to (You can do this in-game as well). Once you subscribe, the item will begin downloading in Steam.
You do not have to restart Synergy in order to mount new Workshop items you've subscribed to; they will be automatically mounted the next time you load a level (if the item is finished downloading).
We have a few small test example items to toy with, but it may take some time for users add their own content.
What type of content is supported?
Technically most if not all forms of content are supported but we categorized it into two distinct groups.
- Add-on: Stand-alone content which does not override base content.
- Item Replacement: Content will override all other base content.
Of course, as this is a beta, all of this is
subject to change if we decide a different system is better, or if you have an awesome suggestion!
How do I upload something to Synergy Workshop?
Check out our
Synergy Workshop Documentation.
Why are dedicated servers not supported right now!??
The Workshop is primarily in beta because dedicated servers do not support the new method Steam uses to manage Workshop Items.
Item Replacement items will work fine on the client, however,
Add-on items will only work on the client and listen servers.
As soon as Steam adds support for dedicated servers we will implement it right away!
The new method (known as ISteamUGC) is the next version of Workshop support for Steam games. The previous method used the Steam cloud which had many limitations. The new method supports unlimited file sizes and file counts and can be updated frequently and easily using the SteamPipe content system for fast and small downloads/updates.
So head on over! If you have suggestions to help improve Synergy Workshop or just wish to report a bug, please create a post in the new Workshop Discussion!
Other minor fixes in this update (55c):
- Fixed players not taking drown damage.
Changes in 55d (12-16-2014):
- Added player outlines that visually represent the player's health when obstructed.
- Updated Donors.
- Fixed a few Workshop bugs.
- Added support for dynamic skies (See this Workshop Item for an example.)
When is the next Rebel Rush event?
We're planning on hosting another
Rebel Rush event sometime within the next month so stay tuned!
Til next time!
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>Synergy 2013 (SteamPipe) Released
By Krazy Kasrkin on 5/09/2013 8:49 AM (EST)
Back so soon? Yep! We decided to go ahead and publish the ‘beta branch (2013)’ of Synergy to replace the previous 2007 version. What this means is Synergy will now play nice with Steampipe, and should work as expected from now on.
To ensure this process goes as smoothly, clean, and error free as possible, we recommend reinstalling Synergy via right clicking Synergy, “Delete Local Content”, then re-downloading. Synergy is now a SteamPipe app, meaning it resides within the steamapps\common directory now. Make sure Half-Life 2 and friends (episodes) are converted to this new format as well in order to play them within Synergy (which they should be if you played them recently).
This is our first ‘official’ release of this version, so there may be minor bugs present but this version should fix most if not all of the flakey issues over the last 6 months caused during the SteamPipe transition.
Thanks and stay tuned for Mac and Linux support!
Check out the new Dedicated Server Documentation.